Overview of Spring 2024


Unbounded Team

After weekly hybrid small group Bible studies at Mundelein's Greenhouse (and Zoom!), last Monday was our closing study on the Lord's prayer! We were able to gain a better understanding of the prayer from Matthew 6:9-13 as we studied each line in depth. Why did Jesus teach us to pray this way, what does each line mean, and how can we practically pray like Him? We took turns leading the small group studies and each wrote testimonies/reflections to understand the passages practically.
Here is the Lord's prayer from Matthew 6:9-13, with the practical passages that helped deepen each line:

  1. "Our Father in heaven" -
  2. "Hallowed be your name" -
  3. "Your kingdom come" -
  4. "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" - Luke 22:39-46
  5. "Give us today our daily bread" - Matthew 6:11;24-34
  6. "And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors" - Matthew 6:12; Luke 23:26-43
  7. "And lead us not into temptation" - Luke 4:1-13
  8. "But deliver us from the evil one" - 2 Peter 3
  9. "For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory "forever" - Revelation 7:9-17

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Our Saturday morning men's Bible reading + breakfast was very blessed as well. We finished Genesis, Exodus, and started the book of Leviticus. We grew to be more faithful in reading and meditating on the word of God before breakfast, our daily spiritual bread before the daily physical bread. It was also so much fun to cook together and share a meal!

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Last but not least, we had a very blessed weekly lunch fellowship on Thursdays. We thank everyone who helped in preparing and cleaning, and this is definitely something that we want to keep doing next semester! It's a good opportunity to catch up with everyone and share laughters and prayer topics. Overall, it was an amazing Christ-centered semester; see you in the Fall!

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